There are days, many days, when I can't understand Americans. There are also days when I can't understand my fellow Canadians.
Because Super Tuesday is very close, let me first talk about the American mysteries. To date, there are only four GOP candidates for the presidency of the U.S.A. who may have a shot at winning. Why would a person with any sense of how the real world operates want to vote for any of them?
If any one of the four is chosen to run or, worse yet, if any one of them actually becomes the president, the average American will suffer. Corporations will gain even more power than the overwhelming amount they have now. The rich will inevitably grow fatter and the poor, well they can just shuffle off into further obscurity and eventually the type of poverty the third world knows well. The poor and uninsured needn't look for pregnancy contraception, or for choice afterward and that is only the beginning. They have been told over and over again that all government roles are bad and low, low, lower, lowest taxes and smaller government (hah!) will benefit everyone.
Why do they believe the lie that all taxes are evil? And, where do they think the money to support services provided by the government will come from?
Why are so many people persuaded that the government should get out of the business of providing any social programs?
Americans are generous, but charities can't be expected to deal with every social problem. Will there be a return to the Victorian concept of work houses?
Why do Americans, and Canadians too, believe that anyone can advise them on what the stock market will do? No one knows, let me repeat that, no one knows. Most trading is done by advanced computer programs. Numbers are god in that game.
The Canadian federal government is currently CRAP (Conservative Reform Alliance Party).
And because they are c r a p, they are bringing in legislation that has already proved to be a) useless, or b) harmful, or c) both. A couple of examples: super prisons, mandatory sentences.
Why did even a minority of Canadians believe electing Harper would be a good idea?
Why do some Canadians believe that further belt tightening will somehow stimulate the economy and that we will all benefit from the trickle down effect of lower corporate taxes?
That has been proven to be wicked nonsense.
Maybe we have fallen down the tunnel into wonderland.
Till next time.