Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Fun Times at Falcata Times

I could have called this post 'One Good Turn Deserves Another,' but a boring header might not have tempted you to read what follows and I do appreciate having a few readers drop in now and then. So, here's the reason for the title.

Falcata Times, "The Site for News, Author Interviews, Reviews for Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Historical, YA, Horror, Crime and many other genres" is well worth visiting on a regular basis. I find the interviews with writers most interesting. "Drosdelnoch," Gareth Wilson, elicits fascinating responses to his perceptive questions. He's also very knowledgeable about the kinds of books he reviews. He has reviewed a lot of them and he doesn't hesitate to tell his readers what he thinks, whether it's good or bad. There is also a sister blog site, Tatty's Treasure Chest, where Young Adult and Children's books are reviewed.

It was my pleasure to write a little something for Falcata Times. It's a light-hearted piece titled In Praise of The Personal Essay, and you can find it here


On a different but also pleasurable subject, The Viking and I have seen a few of the movies that will be Oscar contenders and here are my views. The King's Speech is absolutely bloomin' marvellous and if it doesn't win something big, I'll be very disappointed. True Grit was a B plus movie. Inception annoyed me, a lot. There was way too much violence, the beginning was deliberately confusing and I thought the movie as a whole was not nearly imaginative enough. The subconscious is a vast terrain but, in this movie almost all it contains is violence of one kind or another. Now that is boring.

It's cold and grey and wet outside. That might mean it's time to get back to work on my fiction.

'Til next time.


Jan Markley said...

Congrats- I'll head over there and check it out!

Lori Hahnel said...

Loved your essay essay. All so true! I haven't seen The King's Speech or True Grit yet, but I want to see them both. As for Inception, I've seen it and I agree with you completely. Nothing like a confusing, violent and long film to bore the heck out of me. Spent most of the time we were "watching" it daydreaming, I must say. But then, I live with three males -- think it was definitely aimed at them. Ah, well.

Diane Girard said...

Yes, Lori. The film was definitely made for a male audience, in my opinion.

Falcata Times said...

Ah right, I love the Duke's True Grit (you wouldn't believe the amount of times I watched that as a kid with a Dad who's a real Western Fan) and was hoping that the new one would be worth enjoying.

Incidently original True Grit trivia, Kim Darby (who plays Mattie Ross in the original) challenged John Waynes then wife (Pilar) to a fist fight for him. (As he'd lent her a sum up front to buy a car to get to the set each day.)

I was also quite interested in The Kings Speech so will make sure I get to see that shortly.

Angela Addams said...

Posted over there but just wanted to say that I've been trying to get my husband to go and see The King's Speech with me but he won't - I might have to wait for it to come out on dvd but I've been hearing a lot of great things about it!